Saturday, November 6, 2010

Parent's Night Out and Bowling Night

Parent's Night Out

Just a reminder that our next Parent's Night Out will be this Friday, Nov 12th  from 6-10pm at Woodlands.

If you have not yet signed your children up for the November Parent's Night Out, you can do so at the Information Booth in the lobby. Be sure to get them signed up in advance so we can have an accurate headcount.

The theme will be Finding Nemo, and Pastor Ben and the youth have a lot of really fun things planned! The kids always have a blast and really look forward to it, and it's also a great opportunity for parents to reconnect.

We hope to see you there!!

Bowling Night

You and your family are invited join us for a night of family bowling Sat. Nov 13th from 6-10 at Bowling World. Several lanes have been reserved for Woodlands.  Children and adults of ALL skill levels are welcome. 

Please contact Preston Dubina at 479 926 2782 if you have any questions.

It's going to be a lot of fun and a wonderful opportunity to get connected. We hope to see you there!!


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