Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Upcoming Events

Just a reminder that this week and next week are the last two sessions of Men's Fraternity. Thank you so much to all the men who have been braving the cold to show up at 6 am every Friday. 

Parent's Night Out will be Friday, Dec.  10th from 6-10pm. The kids always have a BLAST, and this would be a great opportunity for the parents to catch up on Christmas shopping.

Our children's Christmas Play will be Sunday, Dec 12th at 5:30 pm. The kids have been working really hard and would love for you to come and show your support. It will be a very fun and entertaining evening!

We will be holding a very special Christmas Eve Communion Service Saturday Dec. 24th at 6:30 pm. Our awesome praise team will be leading us in singing and it will really be a beautiful service. Please feel free to invite any friends or family who don't currently have a church home, we would truly love to share the evening with them.


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