Friday, January 14, 2011

January at Woodlands

Parent's Night Out

Parent's Night Out is a ministry provided by the Woodlands youth and our new youth director, Jerrod Heathcoate. All Woodlands parents are invited to drop their children off on the second Friday of every month from 6-10 pm for a night of fun!

This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to reconnect, and we hope that you take advantage. The kids always have a lot of fun, and we are so grateful to Jerrod and the youth taking the time to provide this opportunity.

Men's Fraternity

Just a reminder that the final series of Men's Fraternity is now underway, but it's never to late to join!

This series is titled The Great Adventure, and challenges men to consider the following questions:

Who am I?
What are my dreams in life?
Do I have to courage to pursue those dreams?

This curriculum will challenge you to live life to the fullest and will lead to significant personal discoveries about who you are and where you are going in life.

The cost of Men's Fraternity is $20 (a dollar per session), and sessions are Friday's at 7 am. You can register in the lobby, and are welcome to join at any time, regardless of whether you have attended previous sessions/series. 
We really hope to see you there!



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