Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mens Fraternity

Woodlands is pleased to announce that a total of 17 men showed up for Men's Fraternity last Friday.

If you missed the first session, but are interested in attending, we'd love to see you Friday morning. We start our video at 6 a.m. and then break up into smaller groups for discussion. We ask that you contribute $16, to help cover the cost of the videos and workbooks. This comes to $1 per session. However--noone will be turned away due to inablitity to pay.

Our first session was a lot of fun and we are so excited about the upcoming topics.

A special thanks to our small group leaders Rick Kelley, Gary Hogue, and Scott Mclain. Steve Evans provided donuts and coffee, and Ken Moore stayed after to clean up, and it is very much appreciated!!

And thanks so much to much to the guys who made it a priority to get up extra early to attend. We all admire your devotion to being the best you can be at work and at home.

If you have any questions regarding Men's Fraternity, please call Ben Anderson at 479 461 4648 or Scott Mclain at 501 779 7302.


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