Monday, August 23, 2010



We are so glad that so many of you were able to attend our potluck after yesterday's service. It was so nice to have the time to connect with one another, especially after a hectic week of getting all the kids back to school.

Really, is there a better way to bring people together than buckets of fried chicken? A special thank you to all who brought food and helped coordinate and set everything up. You did an awesome job and it was much appreciated.

We'd also like to extend a big thank you to everyone helping out with the Community Groups or Connection Groups. We have some great things planned for the fall and we couldn't be more excited.

The kids are going to have a BLAST with Ben and Laura Beth at the first Parent's Night Out on September 10th. If you haven't signed up yet, the forms will be at the information booth every week. Make sure you fill everything out by the 5th, so we can plan for snacks, etc. Thanks so much to Pastor Ben for volunteering. We are so fortunate to have a Pastor with such a creative imagination. The kids are going to love hanging out with him!

A big thanks to Luke and Adrienne, our praise team leaders. Our praise team works so hard, and it really shows. We couldn't ask for better music!

We are all so blessed to be part of such a wonderful church family and really look forward to next month's potluck. Thanks to everyone who came, and if you were unable to attend, we hope you can make it next time!


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