Thursday, September 2, 2010

Parent's Night Out

We are excited to be holding our very first Parents Night Out on Friday, September 10th from 6-10 pm. This is open to all members/
regular attendees and is free of charge.

Our pastor Ben Anderson, along with several of our youth members, has volunteered to hang out with the little ones for the evening.

The theme for the night is "CAMPING". Ben and the youth have planned a bunch of fun camping themed games and activities. A snack will be served about midway through, but we will not be serving dinner. Please make sure your child has eaten before dropping them off.

All the necessary forms for registration will be at the Information Booth. We ask that if you haven't filled one out already, you do so this Sunday if you are planning on participating. This will allow us to get an accurate count so we can plan accordingly.

We'd like to give a huge thank you to Jessica Meinardus for organizing the Parent's Night Out. It's such an awesome opportunity for both the children and the adults and we know everyone will have a blast!

Feel free to call Jessica (479) 739 1836 or Ben (479) 461 4648 with any questions you may have.


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